The purpose of this thread is to go into some conceptual ways of doing Internal Stealth Packaging and be a complement to my thread Wrapping Techniques: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173129.msg1243537 Now I can anticipate quite a few users are going to come out of the woodwork and say this is a horrible idea, revealing vendor secrets and so on. So I'll start off with two rules for this thread that me and others have to adhere to:* Any conceptual packaging can't be linked to any vendor here on Silk Road.* External Stealth Packaging about appearance of envelopes/parcels will not be discussed as it's out of the scope of this specific thread.There are currently 249 Mailing Regions in the world, for more information on that see my thread Mail Systems around the World: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172854.msg1240491 Almost every region has their own customs and intelligence and very little is shared between different regions except for the major ones, and I can guarantee they've already seen every single stealth packaging I'm going to describe later in this thread. While profiling occurs for External Packaging ( to see how they do it in the US, see ) there is no way of profiling Internal Packaging if there's no smell involved or the country in question has already been profiled, for an example on that see my thread Customs wreck Lego collector's Star Wars model: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173833.msg1249579 This thread will assume the customs for any country operate on the following foundation:* Customs will be hesitant to break open legit looking retail packaging as they might be liable for damages caused.* Customs will if they open a package weigh any retail package and see if it matches the described number on the packaging.* Customs will have an exponentially higher risk of opening any package based on how large and heavy it is.* Customs might open any envelope/parcel randomly, regardless if a dog has marked it or not.* Customs might keep a log of ways used to conceal drugs, will only be useful if the package is opened by a skillful customs operator.* Customs might X-ray a package randomly, my solution to this conceptually is in my thread Drug Imitation Materials: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173839.msg1249601